Unmanned Aerial Vehicle QUESTIONAIRE
1、 投保人(被保险人)名称、地址及联系人
Name, Address and Contacts of Insured
2、 被保险人主营业务及资质
Main Business scope and Qualifications of Insured
3、 是否有附加被保险人要求,如果有,请说明详细情况,包括但不限于与被保险人或保险标的的关系
Any additional insureds are required? If yes, please provide details (including but not limited to the relationship between the additional insured and the insured subject).
4、 投保飞机/零备件详细情况
Details of the aircraft or spares:
保险标的 Subject |
无人机品牌及型号 Brand & type |
生产序列号 Manufacturing Serials Numbers |
起飞重量 Weight |
机身价值 Value of Hull or spares
购买日期 Date of Purchase |
类型 Type |
固定翼 □ 直升机□ 多旋翼□ (旋翼数量) Fixed Wing Helicopter Multi Rotor (amount of rotors) |
5、 保险期限
Period of Insurance
保险期限为一年,自20年 月 日0:00 至20 年 月 日24:00止。
12 months, From to , both days inclusive, Local Standard Time (Beijing)
Coverage, Limit and Deductible
(A) 保单责任
Policy Coverage
Deductible any one occurrence
Compensation Limit (Deductible Included)
Uses and work area of the UAV (Would a UAV fly over city or other non-natural zone?)
8、 投保飞机的年均小时数
The average using hours of the insured UAV
9、 飞行员/操作人员信息
Details of Pilots / Operators
操作员 Pilots/ Operators |
序号 No. |
姓名 Name |
执照号码 License number |
技术等级 Technical grade |
操作小时数 Operated hours |
1 |
2 |
10、 投保飞机飞行地域范围(请选择)
Geographical Limited (please mark)
Mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)
□ 中国全境及领海,含香港、澳门、台湾
The whole territory and territorial waters of China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)
□ 中国及周边国家、亚太地区,不含美国、日本
China, the neighboring countries of China, and the Asia-Pacific region (excluding the U.S and Japan)
□ 全球,含美国、日本、欧洲
Global (including the U.S and Japan)
Maintenance providers and places:
12、 投保人以往经营飞机是否出过事故?或者所列飞手以往飞行任务中是否出过事故?
Is there any accident occurred in relation with the insured or the pilots set forth on the
list? If yes, please provide the time, cause, amount of loss, damage and claims arising
13、 动力情况如何,如燃油驱动还是电力驱动,动力装置的飞行小时数…
Dynamic characteristics (fuel-driven or electric-driven, and hours of flight)
14、 飞机起飞重量和载荷重量
Take-off weight and payload weight of the UAV
15、 起飞着陆方式
Take-off and landing performance
16、 基本的飞行性能(失速速度,静稳定性等)
Basic performances (stall speed, static stability)
17、 所用飞控设备和软件的基本情况(飞控厂家,是否自主飞行,是否设计了备份的控制和通信系统)
Basic information on flight control equipment and software (manufacturer of flight control equipment, Self-controlling flight or not? Is there any backup of controlling and communication system in the UVA)
18、 对飞机的起降场所的基本情况和天气情况是否有约束?
Is there any restriction or confines on places or weather conditions for take-off and landing?
19、 这些机载储存设备容量多大,实时数据能记录多长时间?
Capacity of the onboard storage equipment,How long can the real-time data be recorded?
Whether these data could be read or modified by external?
Self-controlling fly or always manually controlled?
When occurs any failure or breakdown (e.g. engine, communication unit, mechanical unit or flight control system), what measures can be taken to secure the safety of the insured UVA?
Is the UAV a Prototype or a series of mass production?
How many flight hours does this type of UAV have already? What is the global cumulative flight hour? Is there a fleet?
Time interval between two overhauls and maximum service hour of engine?
Take-off or landing in Poor visibility or at night?
Please provide details of claims from similar type of UAV (if available).
Quantity of the UAV insured
Designed service lifetime of the UVA and Engine (if applicable)
Wind resistant ability of the UAV.
声明 Declaration
The undersigned declares on behalf of all parties proposing for insurance that to the best of their knowledge and belief the statements provided herein are true and complete and all material facts or circumstances have been fully disclosed. The undersigned declares and agrees that the proposal form together with any other information supplied shall form the basis of any subsequent contract of insurance and undertakes to inform the Insurer of any material alteration to those facts occurring before completion of the contract of insurance.
投保人签章: |
日期: |
Signed by the proposer’s authorized individual: Date